Random day yesterday.
Went to a teacher’s supply store Amanda told me about and was thrilled to find a game (above) that my kids loved when they were little. I was so excited to find it, I bought it! Maybe some day I’ll have (ahem) grandchildren to play with.
Went to PSU for a GA meeting. The First Year GAs are getting ready to teach our first classes, and our advisor wanted to see how we were doing. It was an exhausting but fruitful two hours.
Picked up my tuition voucher, which always makes me feel very thankful.
Corresponded with my agent (!) about the Gargoyles book; he’s sending me the final contracts to sign, and 30 days later I’ll get the first chunk of my advance!
Renewed my RN license on-line and was reminded that it was issued on Aug. 22, 1975. This took me back to nursing school days at what was then the Good Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing. We graduated in June as “GNs” (graduate nurses), then a few days later sat three days of State Board exams in Salem. It was spooky—we took the tests in a cavernous armory, each of us sitting alone at long tables that stretch wall-to-wall in dim rows. Proctors were everywhere—you weren’t allowed to go to the bathroom alone, and when you left for lunch, everything but you cash had to stay in the building. Two months later, THE LETTER came. I was proclaimed a registered nurse, licensed in the state of Oregon. Still am, even though I’m no longer working as a nurse. My license will hold up for several years yet, as Oregon only has a practice requirement of 900 hours/5 years and no continuing ed. Which is insane, but, whatever.
Read a dozen stories for the Portland Review, a literary journal that I read and review for.
Worked more on my class outlines for next week.
Talked to Scott, who was bubbling over about running and life in general.
Pretty typical day, overall.
1 comment:
I love that game!! :) Good find, mommy.
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