Go to this page and check out "famous poodles." (Ernie, you should probably update your MySpace.)
Musings and occasional rants from a location in the pacific northwest, where the air is still sweet, the trees tall and old, and we can see the stars in a clear night sky. Is this paradise? No... it's Oregon.
It’s also interesting that my once extroverted ‘E’ has changed to an introverted ‘I,’ which certainly goes with my increasing writerly life—much of which is an inner life of solitude.
Rational NTs...are proud of themselves in the degree they are competent in action, respect themselves in the degree they are autonomous, and feel confident of themselves in the degree they are strong willed. Ever in search of knowledge, this is the "Knowledge Seeking Personality" -- trusting in reason and hungering for achievement. They are usually pragmatic about the present, skeptical about the future, solipsistic about the past, and their preferred time and place are the interval and the intersection. Educationally they go for the sciences, avocationally for technology, and vocationally for systems work. Rationals tend to be individualizing as parents, mindmates as spouses, and learning oriented as children. Rationals are very infrequent, comprising as few as 5% and no more than 7% of the population.
Albert Einstein is the iconic example of a Rational.
Thomas Jefferson and General Ulysses S. Grant are examples of Rationals.
For the first time, Hollywood is making its latest movies available for download the same day DVDs arrive.The first movie to receive simultaneous DVD and download treatment will be Brokeback Mountain, available Tuesday at Movielink (www.movielink.com). Now playing on the service, launched today, are recent releases King Kong, Memoirs of a Geisha, Pride & Prejudice, Rent and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
"For the first time, consumers have the ability to not just rent a (downloadable) major motion picture from the major Hollywood studios but to own them," Movielink CEO Jim Ramo says. Consumers will pay for the convenience. New films such as Brokeback, King Kong and Memoirs of a Geisha will cost $20 to $30; older films such as Jaws, Easy Rider, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Sting will cost $10 to $16. By comparison, new DVD releases often are discounted as low as $14.
(From http://www.usatoday.com/life/movies/news/2006-04-02-downloads_x.htm)Grumble, grumble.... Movielink doesn't support Mac or Linux systems. ARGH. But, at least this news is a cool start, and we can only hope they begin supporting REAL computer systems soon.
You Are a Chocolate Chip Cookie |
Traditional and conservative, most people find you comforting. You're friendly and easy to get to know. This makes you very popular - without even trying! |
People in the News: Chicks are still mad as wet hens
It's been three years since the war in Iraq began and the war declared by country music stations and mainstream America on the Dixie Chicks for criticizing President Bush. But they're "still mad as hell" about it, reported the AP. In a new single, "Not Ready To Make Nice," lead singer Natalie Maines lets people know how the Chicks felt about the barrage of death threats and boycotts that pelted them after she told a London concert audience she was "ashamed" that Bush was from their home state of Texas.
The chorus: "I'm not ready to make nice. I'm not ready to back down. I'm still mad as hell, and I don't have time to go round and round and round."