The trilliums are in bloom—I snapped the above picture of them peeking out from under the front porch. I love trilliums—they’re such a harbinger of spring in these parts.
It’s been a hectic week—I can’t believe that one-fifth of spring term is already gone. The days fly by so quickly that sometimes I have to really stop and think which day of the week it is, let alone making sure that I have clothes to wear, food to eat, etc. The other day I left the house wearing nice slacks and black shoes…only the shoes were two different black shoes, instead of being one pair. Luckily I noted this before I drove off.
My writing classes are going splendidly—Lizzie Grossman is absolutely terrific, and being back in class with Debra Gwartney is also wonderful. I always learn so much from her. Next week in her class, one of my all-time favorite writers—Barry Lopez—is coming to speak and workshop with us. What a great evening that will be!

I turned in two new book proposals to Llewellyn publishing. Getting a book published there would be HUGE in terms of my aspirations to write in the magickal-Pagan community. The book I’m doing for New Page is also a terrific thing, but in the magick world, Llewellyn holds court, and it would be a benefit to me, as a writer, to get “on” there. Or to get “into their stable,” as people put it. That metaphor kind of makes me shudder, for some reason.
Lots to do today—reading for all three classes, plus some writing, and student papers to grade. Plus housework, laundry, etc. It’s a cool rainy day, so the pressures of going outside to garden aren’t there. The rain gives me permission to curl up on the couch with my books and papers and just hang out.

1 comment:
I miss the trilliums!!
and that's MUCHO cool about Lopez. Go mommy go!!
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