Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Awake from a loooooooong nap....

Well-- guess I took a little break there, yes? But I'm back to it now. Welcome back to the blog, people!


Variable X/0 said...

Good morning!

Phil said...

Hello Professor Pesznecker!

I am reading your book CRAFTING MAGICK WITH PEN AND INK, I put it down to search for any sort of website by/for you.

It seems I have found you on the very day you've returned to the web from a long hiatus. What a cool "coincidence"! I sometimes take breaks from the internet also, because it steals my time and energy and focus, etc. However when it it is magic, it is MAGICK!

Through your links I also found the Grey School page, and so have met many other authors I need to get to know.

I look forward to following your blog. Happy 2012!

a new pal in Austin,

Moonwriter said...

Hi, Phil! Nice to meet you. I am in the process of building a web page-- watch the blog for updates. I also have an author page on facebook. Hope to see more of you about. :)