After being plugged for more than sixty years, the Oneonta Tunnel is being reopened and restored. Look here and here for details.
This makes me very, very happy.
Musings and occasional rants from a location in the pacific northwest, where the air is still sweet, the trees tall and old, and we can see the stars in a clear night sky. Is this paradise? No... it's Oregon.
August 22, 2006
KENNETT SQUARE, PA — Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro remains comfortable according to veterinarians at Penn’s George D. Widener Hospital . “Barbaro is doing well on both hind limbs,” said Dr. Dean Richardson, Chief of Surgery. “Because of this, we do not plan to change his right hind cast in the next two weeks.”I've loved editing and publishing the almanac. I've learned things I never imagined knowing—about the rhythms of the sun, moon, planets and stars, the workings of the weather, and the wondrous habits of various urban flora and fauna. I've savored the wit and wisdom of countless poets and pundits. I even learned some important urban survival strategies, like how to un-stick a stuck tongue. And many of the people I've met, both contributors and readers, have become friends for life.
The 2006 Cosmo Doogood's Urban Almanac is still available in many bookstores, or you can order online. We think it's beautiful, naturally, and chockfull of things to intrigue and delight you, like a revolutionary exercise program, a guide to clouds, tips on how to tap your backyard maple tree, charming advice from a French household almanac, urban survival strategies, like "How to sound intelligent," and of course Doc Weather's predictions and our signature seasonal poems. Perhaps it, and the 2005 premier edition, will now become collector's items.
We've also introduced a "Boomer Edition" this year—the same content in a slightly larger format with a nod to the diminishing eyesight of a certain generation. It also happens to be a practical size for newsstand sales and you can find it at most Whole Foods stores. If you don't see it displayed at the cash register, please ask them for it.
Cosmo may live to see another day, perhaps as a quarterly magazine, supported by ads. Or as an insert in a Franklin Covey or Day-Timer calendar. Or, as a daily, web-based information service. Or, or...who knows? If something does happen, we'll be sure to let you know.
Thanks for your interest and support,
Still yours for a greener, kinder, and more rhythmic world,
Your Quirk Factor: 48% |
You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it. Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them! |
In the eating hall, a stuffed parrot hung from the ceiling, and from its golden beak dangled a card that read, "We are in training to be nobody special." I had often repeated this to myself, working against my need for achievement and recognition, and the discontent that could engender. "I am in training to be nobody special." Saying the words in my mind, I felt how they redirected me from a certain seductive struggle and excitement and disease, into a more stable focus: forget what others think of you, forget the future goal of achievement; arrive instead in this body/mind, attending to this present moment. This is is the whole of practice.
--from Sandy Boucher, "Hidden Spring"
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Helena Bonham Carter has signed on to play fanatically evil Lord Voldemort devotee Bellatrix Lestrange in the next Harry Potter film.The Oscar nominee joins incoming composer Nicholas Hooper, who will create the score for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifth film adaptation of author J.K. Rowling's epic series, according to a statement released Wednesday by Warner Bros.
Directed by Hooper's longtime collaborator David Yates, the movie also includes newcomers Imelda Staunton as frumpy Dolores Umbridge and Evanna Lynch as Luna "Loony" Lovegood.
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson return as teen wizards Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.
"It's going to be a really cool cast," said Carter's publicist Jay Waterman.
Carter's film credits include 2005's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and 1997's The Wings of the Dove, for which she received a best actress Oscar nomination.