Yes, it's the Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency. There she is, left, at her... ribbon cutting. (This guy should probably look a little more worried, given that a hopped-up person with an apparent mood disorder is holding that giant pair of scissors awfully close to his, well....)
And tonight is the season-ender. Pink slips, my friends, for all those little model wannabes who don't measure up to Janice's "standards." Here's a taste.
(P.S. Don't worry Erin and Katie-- I'm taping the whole series for both of you.)
Now I must hang my head in shame and return to my writing.
Erin, you are a prima donna for getting it first. Brat-nose.
Ah, but I managed to tape *two* copies!
I am possibly the world's best (or worst?) mother!
The BEST!!!
(But I'm still a prima donna, right)?
Katie is a brat-nose.
BEST! mwhaahahahahahaaaa!
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