(Tip of the hat to Sue Barrette on that....)

Goats in coats...

An angry rooster...

A black poodle chicken...

Huge horses! This Belgian's back was almost 7 feet above the ground!

The Oscar Meyer Weinermobile...

The midway, as dusk fell...

Food consumption this year was sedate: really yummy chicken teriyaki with yakisoba and veggies, a huge butterscotch sundae (shared), and cotton candy (duh). No deep-fried Twinkies this year, thanks.
I want to go!
(I love the poodle chicken...made me laugh out loud.)
I also liked the poodle chicken. But you probably already knew that.
I went to a baby shower yesterday at my friend Megan's and she has three chickens -- Big Red, Little Red, and Zelda. They were cool. They ate cheese out of our hands :) so I felt instantly bonded with them. (Sharp cheddar, if you wondered...)
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