Quote for the day:
"If a man could pass through Paradise in a dream,--Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Anima Portae
and have a flower presented to him as a pledge
that his soul had really been there,
and if he found that flower in his hand when he awoke,
--Ay! And what then?
Sleep: 8 hours plus, but I’m still tired, and wondering how long it will take into the break before I get caught up.
Weather: Sunny-rainy-mild.
Stupid Stories: None. I had a smart day. (Erin-- shhhh!)
Fun: A good, long, leisurely read of the Sunday New York Times.
Chores: Errands to Petco and Best Buy, dog food and a VGA cable, respectively.
Food Events: Grilled Reubens for dinner. (Waving a belated good-bye to St. Patrick’s day!)
The World: Mt. Hood’s glaciers are melting. But it’s okay, because our President says that there is no global warming.
Dog: Tried out a new sitting position (see photo, above). Results still out.
Ernie is such a love. Bet you didn't know I actually check your blog from time to time, did ya?
Aaran-- where the heck have you been?
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